Lifetime Guarantee: Phranc's Adventure in Plastic



Sunday, September 15

Film | Documentary | NR | 1h 30 (including post-film Q & A) | 2001

Co-Presented with Penny Stamps Lecture Series
FREE and open to the public! (no ticket necessary)

A Q & A with filmmaker Lisa Udelson and artist Phranc follows the screening, moderated by Leslie Raymond, executive director of the Ann Arbor Film Festival.

This award-winning documentary follows Phranc, a Jewish, lesbian folk singer who reached notable fame in the 1980s, in her escapades as a Tupperware saleswoman. Phranc finds great joy with her new occupation as well as success in her unique and fun-filled sales approach. Phranc also encounters the politics of being in an industry among housewives and executives not accustomed to her lifestyle.

About the filmmaker:
A Michigan graduate, Lisa Udelson directed, co-produced, shot and edited the 2001 feature documentary Lifetime Guarantee, virtually acting as a one-person crew. Lifetime Guarantee played film festivals worldwide and won numerous awards, including best first feature documentary at South By Southwest Film Festival, and best documentary and best Soundtrack at LA’s Outfest. Remastered in 2023, Lifetime Guarantee recently appeared on the Criterion Channel, and screened at the Hammer Museum, BAM, Berkeley Art Museum, and various other venues.

Lisa has over 40 years of experience as a writer and filmmaker.

Presented by the Institute for the Humanities in collaboration with Marquee Arts, Stamps Speaker Series, and the Ann Arbor Film Festival.